Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Do you see the letter B?

A has never really been into coloring.  I purchased a coloring book for her in the dollar section at Target a while back and would put a few pages out with crayons every now and then.  Although she isn't excited about coloring, she's always enjoyed letters.  This word find was on the back of one of the sheets and we had fun highlighting different letters.  I'd say a letter and she'd color each one she could find.  I've since found "letter find" worksheets online that she's really enjoyed doing.  She even asks for more!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Yakety Yak

The second grade teachers at the school I used to teach at have an end of the day routine where they play a song to signal the end of the day.  When 
 their students hear the song, they begin cleaning up and packing up their belongings.  That song is Yakety Yak by The Coasters.  

I introduced A to this a few months ago.  We practiced a few times and it stuck.  Now, whenever I see that her toys really need to be wrangled up (because she isn't playing with them), I'll just play that song and she immediately begins cleaning up.  In the photo above, her rubber ducky is helping her clean.  :) It's such a great tool and I'll let you in on a little secret...the song motivates me to clean for those two minutes too!